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56th Annual Student Juried Art Exhibition

这个有竞争力的评委会展览是为了表彰艺术与设计系的优秀学生 artists for their hard work and creativity. The show is professionally juried from 在奥斯汀佩伊州立大学外,模仿现实世界的艺术展. 这次展览展示了过去学生们创作的一系列艺术作品 学年和允许学生参加专业展会的地方 a qualified juror selects artwork and artistic merit awards.

Submissions will be accepted beginning February 19.
Deadline for submissions is February 23.


Submission Link

submission portal powered by ArtCall.org


Prospectus and Call for Entries

Eligibility:作品必须在2023年1月至2024年3月期间创作,且未展出 in previous juried student exhibitions at 365bet.  To submit work, entrants must have 在2023-2024学年被奥斯汀皮伊州立大学录取.  所有媒体都有资格提交,但必须在参赛日期前完成; no work may be changed or altered after entering.

Entry Fee: No Entry Fee
Entry Limit: 4 Entries per person


  • Mon., Feb. 19 – Online Portal for submissions opens
  • Fri, Feb. 23 - Online Submissions due by 11:59 pm
  • Fri., Mar. 1 - Students notified on, or prior to, this date
  • Wed, Mar. 27 - Thurs., Mar. 28 - All accepted work due in The New Gallery ready-to-hang
  • Mon., Apr. 8 – Physical Exhibition opens
  • Wed, Apr. 24 - Reception and awards, 5:30-7:30 p.m. Physical Exhibition closes.
  • Thurs., Apr. 25 – Artwork Pickup begins. 10a-3p
  • Fri., Apr. 26 – All works must be picked up by 3p. (see pick-up times at bottom of prospectus)


Katie Delmez, Senior Curator, Frist Art Museum, Nashville, TN.

凯蒂·德尔梅兹自2001年以来一直是第一艺术博物馆的策展人. She has organized numerous exhibitions, including Multiplicity: Blackness in Contemporary American Collage; LeXander Bryant: Forget Me Nots; Bethany Collins: Evensong; Terry Adkins: Our Sons and Daughters Ever on the Altar (与菲斯克大学画廊总监兼策展人贾马尔·谢茨合作); Murals of North Nashville Now; We Shall Overcome: Civil Rights and the Nashville Press, 1957–1968; Nick Cave: Feat.; Shinique Smith: Wonder and Rainbows; and Maria Magdalena Campos-Pons: Journeys. 她也是摄影家Carrie Mae Weems大型回顾展的策展人 在四个地点展出,包括纽约的古根海姆博物馆. Ms. Delmez 曾担任几本相关书籍的编辑,并监督了 more than 35 touring exhibitions at the Frist such as 杰弗里·吉布森:《365bet》,《365bet》, and 30 Americans. 她毕业于范德比尔特大学和波士顿大学.


颁奖典礼将于2024年4月24日举行. The visiting 评审将从所选作品中指定以下奖项:

  • Best in Show - $300
  • Juror’s Recognition Award (2) - $100
  • Personal Expression Award - $100
  • Best Craftsmanship Award - $100
  • Best Concept Award - $100
  • Applied Art History Award - $100
  • Plaza Art Supplies Foundations Award (2) - $50
  • Frist Art Museum Student Membership Award (2) - $25


  • Faculty Choice Award - $100
  • *CECA Purchase Awards - $1000 in purchase awards
  • *Hazel Smith学生艺术收藏奖- 200美元购买奖(三维作品)

*awards only available to those works that are marked ‘for sale’

General Guidelines for Entries



Submissions are accepted via ArtCall.org (see Department of Art + Design website for details/link). Each artist may submit up to four (4) pieces for consideration. All media encouraged: Animation, Ceramics, 绘画、插画、中间媒体、混合媒体、绘画、摄影、版画、 雕塑,平面设计,基础(基础一,二,三,绘画一 & II), Video and Time-based art. Accepted submission formats: .jpeg, .pdf, .mp3, .mp4, .mov.

2D Entries:摄影、版画、素描、插画、拼贴、绘画、基础 work can be submitted via .jpeg (min. 540px/max 1920px longest size). Graphic design works can be submitted via .pdf or .jpeg (min. 540px/max 1920px longest size).

3D Entries: Ceramic works, sculptures, installations can be submitted via .jpeg (min. 540px/max 1920px的最长尺寸)以及伴随的细节或替代视图(2)nd side view).

Video and Time-based Media: Animation, performance, experimental can be submitted by .mp3, .mp4, or .mov files (不超过三(3)分钟的视频必须提交给陪审员审阅). For longer videos, please submit a video still (.jpeg) along with a URL link directing the juror to the full video. For ‘dimensions’, please list the time duration of the piece.

Collaborative Works and Group Projects每一件标有学生名字的作品都被计算在学生的作品总数中 entries (i.e.在美国,提交一篇合作作品意味着每个学生不能再提交更多作品 than 3 other pieces).

Jury Process and Notification of Juror's Decision:

陪审过程将考虑到陪审员的自由裁量权和 the following constraint: the amount of physical space. Excessively large work or 集合作品将减少接受作品的总数,因此它们将是 juried more stringently.

Acceptance Notifications will be sent by email via ArtCall. A list of accepted works 将尽快张贴在艺术与设计系办公室外 the jurying process. 

General Guidelines for Submitting Accepted Works to Gallery:

专业的艺术作品展示是展览的关键.  The New Gallery 保留拒绝接受被认为不安全或其他不合适的工作的权利 for handling (i.e.,结构不良,框架不良或对环境有害).

*ArtCall.org entry receipt所有被接受的作品带到画廊必须提交“提交” Back Label’ accompanying each piece. Entry Receipts can be found in the User Dashboard at ArtCall.org.

2D Entries:接受纸质作品(摄影、图纸、版画、平面设计) 必须在有机玻璃(而不是玻璃)后面有框架和电线吗 securely attached to the back of the piece. Paintings can be displayed without frame, but proper wiring is required.

  • 如果在纸上的作品大于30“x40”,他们不需要消光或框, 但悬挂的方法必须得到画廊总监迈克尔·迪金斯的批准 be contacted immediately upon notification of acceptance.

3D Entries:接受的3D作品将在基座上或按说明展示(最好) of our ability). Please contact Michael Dickins, Gallery Director, immediately upon notification of acceptance with any instructions.

Video and Time-based Media: Accepted time-based media should be submitted as a .mov/.mp4 (encoded with H.264/AVC, VC1, and MPEG1/2/4, up to 1920x1080, 30fps, 10mbps) file on a dedicated thumb drive.

  • 在提交之前,请确保您的文件在标准媒体播放器中播放. Files that do not play will not be included in the exhibition.

Liability and Insurance在处理和展示艺术品时将采取一切预防措施. Work will be 在新画廊期间,根据365bet的伞式保险政策投保. Exhibition 参赛者必须避免触摸自己或他人的艺术品.

Photography:艺术与设计系保留对接受的作品进行摄影的权利 for promotional purposes. To uphold the integrity of the exhibition and the experience 参观者不得在展览期间为作品集拍摄作品.  作品集的照片必须在艺术品提交之前拍摄.

Sale of Artwork: 新画廊和艺术设计系不处理艺术品的销售. 如果你的作品是出售的,请在提交过程中标记.  If 参观者有兴趣购买艺术品,画廊将转发赞助人的 联系信息给艺术家和任何交易将艺术家和 patron. 我们不会在没有明示的情况下透露艺术家的365bet written consent from the artist. Any sold artwork will not be removed until after the exhibition has closed.

Drop off of accepted artwork:

Artwork must be delivered to The New Gallery March 27-28 between 10am-3pm. 如需特殊安排,请联系Michael Dickins, dickinsm@rpybbk.com. No work may be removed during the exhibition for any reason.

Pick-up of Work after Exhibit Closes:

An ArtCall.org ‘Claim Ticket’ is required for pick-up of artwork.  ‘Claim Tickets’ can be found in the User Dashboard at ArtCall.org. Artist must pick up their work 4月25日星期四上午10点至下午3点在新画廊展出. and Friday, April 26 from 10am - 3pm.

  • 获得CECA购买奖的作品不需要在展览结束后领取. 该作品将在完成后加入365bet的艺术收藏 exhibition.
  • 4月28日下午3点前未被领取的作品将被转交给艺术系 + Design for disposal.